Agricultural cooperatives
Digitalization for your members, new services and optimized management

The agricultural cooperative and trading sector is a major pillar of the French economy. It accounts for over 40% of agri-food sales. Cooperatives are involved in a wide range of activities, from consolidating purchases from suppliers, to helping to sell agricultural produce, to processing products. In some cases, the association of farmers and cooperatives can cover the entire value chain. One in three food brands is a cooperative!

For a long time, the cooperative model did not undergo any major changes. However, faced with the concentration of cooperatives, price volatility, changing legislation and new entrants upsetting the balance, the sector now needs to transform itself more than ever. While IT has long been the poor relation in this transformation, the new generation of farmers is well aware of the challenge of digitalization and the benefits it can bring.

The digital revolution in cooperatives is underway, and should enable us to create a model adapted to the future economic, sociological and regulatory context!

Data capital only makes sense if it's exploited! Data must be up-to-date, of high quality and usable, otherwise it's useless. Its value increases when those involved enrich it and bring it to life.

The challenges of innovation
and digitalization of agricultural cooperatives

Decompartmentalizing the information system?

Information must no longer be fragmented and compartmentalized! To transform your business, you need to have precise, usable knowledge of your land parcels and your members.

360° vision of operations

Business Process Management enables all flows and processes to be modeled, documented, controlled and traced.

How can we provide new services?

Regulatory changes, organic crops, price volatility, innovations…: you need to be a source of advice and provide your members with new services!

Improving Farmer Relationship Management

The combination of an application bus within your IS and API Management to expose data secures information sharing and supports the implementation of cross-functional flows between your IS and those of farmers.

How to connect IS to other channels?

The consolidation of cooperatives, the integration of data from multiple channels and the coexistence of a transactional base and specialized applications all require you to urbanize your IS.

Make your Information System scalable and connected

Urbanizing your Information System by setting up an application bus will organize and make reliable data exchanges between all your applications.

How can we add value to our data?

Collection circuits, processing, sales management, silo rationalization… making the right decisions starts with mastering information and making the most of it (analysis, cross-referencing, agronomic decision models…).

Well-featured Decision Support Tools (DST)

Controlling and adding value to data throughout the product lifecycle means having a product MDM connected to all your IS applications.

What are the methods and solutions for modernizing the IS of agricultural cooperatives?

Cooperative information systems have often evolved empirically, with the addition of business application bricks to an ERP base, and the merging of information systems as a result of external growth. In most cases, global ERP projects have failed to meet expectations. What’s more, control over data and information flows is often limited.

After taking stock of the situation, the first step is to implement a data governance strategy based on a single repository (MDM). This will ensure that your information is accurate, unique and shared. Next, you need to decompartmentalize your information system by making your legacy applications communicative through the implementation of an application bus. Finally, the challenge is to exploit, enhance and bring to life this information through BI (Business Intelligence), a member portal and cross-functional business processes.

Your Information System thus gains in durability and scalability. It becomes the foundation of your transformation and contributes to the professionalization of your organization and services!

The Phoenix data platform for the digitization of agricultural cooperatives

At Blueway, we help agricultural cooperatives meet the challenges of a 360° view of their farms, Farmer Relationship Management, and data-driven digital transformation.

We know your specific challenges and can provide the answers:


Rediscover agility

despite the heterogeneity of software within your IS and its successive aggregation during external growth.


Consolidate and enhance

farm and farmer data in the face of the development of competing storage organizations (SOs) and the historical compartmentalization of information by trade.

Gestion des flux de données

Evolve the historical model

to meet the needs of new generations who expect innovative services and more accessible tools.

Gouvernance de données

Create new value drivers

for your members and stand out from new entrants offering disintermediation approaches.

Urbanisation du SI

Modernize governance

to integrate digital technology and strengthen collaboration between departments.

The Phoenix platform: a 360° response to the data challenges facing agricultural cooperatives

At Blueway, we bring you a solution specifically adapted to the agricultural cooperative and retail sectors.

Our platform is complementary to your ERP, which is focused on transactions. It leverages all the dimensions of data exchange: transport and handling, repositories, portals, processes and API exposure.

Thanks to a 360° vision of information and the management of data flows linked to farmer relationship management, our solution dedicated to agricultural cooperatives helps to animate your territory and build member loyalty. It improves your profitability thanks to finer analysis and more informed decision-making. Your Cooperative becomes Process-Driven and Data-Driven, and your information system gains in flexibility to support your digital transformation.

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about our offers for agricultural cooperatives?

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Frequently asked questions about the digitalization of the logistics and transport sector

Digitizing the agricultural sector means using digital technologies to improve farming practices. This includes the use of sensors, drones, management software and geographic information systems (GIS) to optimize production, resource management and decision-making.
Agricultural information system urbanization refers to the structuring and organization of data and information systems so that they are easily accessible and usable. This improves coordination between the various stakeholders, facilitates information sharing and enables more agile and responsive management of agricultural operations.
Agricultural data management involves collecting, storing, analyzing and using data to make informed decisions. This includes data on soils, weather conditions, crop health, machinery performance, and many other aspects of the farm.